Friday, September 21, 2007

International Conference on Knowledge Management 2007

My researches were also accepted on the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management 2007 that have taken place in the heart of Vienna which was a huge success for me. Unfortunately, being unable to pay 490 euro for the registration I haven’t participated with my 15 minutes presentation. I think that a lot of you will agree that it is a pure insanity to give my 2 month salary for a 2 day conference.

Being in Vienna provided me with the opportunity to visit International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and OSCE and to talk with the Information managers and colleagues over there about possible employment or use of my services. Needles to say, I have demonstrated my skills along with the future use of OCR and provided them with some practical advices on how to improve theirs OCR accuracy and build a cheap digital library using my services.

Well, what can I say: The US and EU views on creating and using a digital library/ scientific repository and the use of OCR software are quite different! Since my main progress was done at Rutgers Alexander’s Library (i.e. in USA) I can say that I will always prefer more advanced OCR techniques and the use of new cheap technology instead of use of expensive and old technology which is at the same time less efficient. Not to mention the professionalism approached by the Institution in the research development that will serve as an important factor staying on track with the rapid changes of todays information society.

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