Wednesday, April 25, 2007

TERRA INCOGNITA : ART OF LIBRARIANSHIP Third international convention of Slavic Librarians in Sarajevo 19-23 April 2007

At the Sarajevo conference I have done 2 different presentations:

I Advanced OCR of Rare Books and Special Collections Using cheap digital cameras
II 3D Visual Search pre
sentation about the Interface Design of the future web search.

I had a great honour to meet in person Mr. Jens Redmer, Director of Google Book Search (Europe, Middle East, Africa) and have a talk with him about the OCR problems that Google is dealing with on his Google book Project on digitalizing the World biggest University Libraries and making the books accessible for everyone. For more info visit

I must thank him for his high professional approach and his ability to look you straight in the eyes and talk/listen about my OCR passion in recognizing every possible World language (living or dead/pictured or graphic/Egyptian hieroglyphs or Maya logograms).

I've also meet some old friends (Thank you/Hello to Vaska Sotirov-Djukic - pioneer of the BiH digitization process! From my point of view she had one of the best presentations on the conference) and new ones also: Mr. and Mrs. Lea and Wolfgang Klotz from, Mrs. Janet I. Crayne, Vanja Kenjic (great presentation about e-business and e-libraries), Samir Lisancic, Mladen Vukovic and a lots of other colleagues.

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